Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Perfect Book for a Rainy Day - Alexander and the Magic Mouse

Whenever a rainy day came along and it was absolutely pouring when I was a little girl, my Mom would read me one of her favorite books when she was growing up.  It is called Alexander and the Magic Mouse by Martha Sanders.  It was published in 1969 and is not one of the most popular books still on the shelves at the book stores.

However, this book is filled with beautiful illustrations by Philippe Fix and a wonderful story about an old woman who lives on top of a hill with a magic mouse, a Brindle London Squatting Cat, a Yak and Alexander the alligator.  Even though they are an odd combination of creatures, they all lived peacefully on top of the hill.  Then one day it began to rain and wasn't supposed to stop for over thirty days.

When the river next to the town, that the old woman's house looked over, began to flood the old woman sent Alexander down to town in hopes to warn the townspeople.  With a happy ending, this whimsical and darling story can make any rainy day better.  If you haven't had the chance to read Sanders' charming book, start scouring your local library for it!  It is beyond worth it.
Did you have any special books that your parents used to read to you that they used to love as children?  Have you had the chance to read this book?  What was your favorite part?

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